Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Touring Graes, Germany

Aimee and I slept in until 12:15 which was amazing! I hadnt slept that well in a long time. The bed we had was so comfortable and they had a dark shade so the light didnt even wake us up. We had an amazing breakfast ready for us. Good bread with meat, cheese, and of course nutella. Jake and Brady woke up about an hour after us and missed breakfast so Marianne made more goulash. It must be a German thing to always offer you so much food. We relaxed around the house for a bit which felt great. It was nice to just be at a house for once even though it wasnt mine. Then Marianne took us on a walk around Graes. It didnt take long because it is such a small town. It was a cute little town and we went and saw the church and walked around the neighborhood. It got pretty cold so we went back after about an hour of walking.
After our walk we cleaned up a bit and then had a beer with Gustav. He is so funny and fun to talk to. It was wierd getting offered beer so much but he brought a Radler especially for me and said "Girls like this stuff". And he was right! That is my favorite kind of beer. haha! At 8 we met up with Marita for dinner at this really nice restaurant. She wasnt there yet and when we walked in Aimee says "We have a reservation for five people under Marita Söbbing" and the girl gave her the blankest look and I said "Aimee, we are in a different country!" and then I said it in German. It was so funny how she just went off in English. She felt terrible afterwards but it was hilarious! The food was really good. Aimee and I had mozzarela sticks while we were waiting for Marita and then for dinner I had schnitzel with cheese and pineapple. It was delicious! We hung out there for awhile and talked and had some more drinks. It was really nice. Then before we were about to leave Marita said she was going to grab the waitress so we could pay but she paid for us all! It was so nice! We tried to give her money for it but she of course wouldnt take it. Aimee had said she did that before but I didnt think she would since there were 4 of us. Marita is really nice and alot of fun to talk to. Her english is amazing! She said somethings I would have never thought someone who didnt speak English would say. We went to bed when we got home and once again Marianne and Gustav were up later than us.

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