Sunday, December 5, 2010

Church, Christkindlmarkt and Krampus!


Sunday was a very nice day altogether! In the morning Aimee and I went to church and the Cathedral. There were so many people there. Way more than when we went before but we figured the Advent season brings more people to church. It was a nice service and very relaxing. We then had about an hour before we had to meet up with the rest of the group so we looked around the Christkindlmarkt. I love walking around there because it puts you in such a good mood! I am so excited for Christmas! We looked at everything and got some lunch. Then we met up with the rest of the group for the Krampuslauf in St. Leonhard. It is a Christmas market in another town where they have a parade of Krampus. The story of the Krampus is that if kids are bad they will put them in a sack and beat them with their whips. Krampus and big, scary creatures who go around hitting people. They actually wack people pretty hard. I had never seen one before and after today I could care less if I see another one. They are freaky but most the time you just try to not get whacked. I was the only one in our group to not get hit by one which I am glad because everyone said it actually really hurt. After the Krampuslauf we all went to a restaurant for hot chocolate which was nice. We got back to our dorms around 5pm and I started homework. This week is going to be pretty crazy between finals, last minute Salzburg things, and packing. I cannot believe I only have one week left!



  1. Yet again, your post has brought me laughter! They really whack people that hard?!? I have to say, I wish we could've seen one. It's not everyday you get beaten by a huge, hairy, devilish creature.

    Live it up for your last few days, Nick. Can you believe you're almost done? Take in all you can of Salzburg, truly open your eyes. You'll be longing for those sights once you're in the states. Enjoy every last minute! I can't wait for you to get back, so Christmas can truly begin!

    Ich liebe dich <3

  2. I thought the volcans (the guys dressed in red) at the lumberjcack Day parade that use to come around and kiss you were really scary. This tops those guys for sure!! Hope you enjoy your last week!

  3. Katie - Was the fact that Krampus' dont come around every day a selling point? I wouldn't mind if I ever saw them again! The whole time I was worrying about getting whacked. haha! Thanks for the words of wisdom. I am definitely soaking everything up!

    Kim- They were definitely scarier than the volcans! haha! I would have much rather liked a black mark on my cheek than being hit by a whip!
