Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Market in Münster

We got to sleep in again this morning which is absolutely wonderful! It is so nice just being able to relax and get up when we are ready. After everyone was up we headed to Münster, Germany. It was about an hour train ride but it wasnt too bad because we had a thermos of hot chocolate and rum along with us! : ) Marita came with too which made it a lot of fun. When we got there it was pretty cold. We found the market and had some hot drinks. Münster is a really cute town and I absolutely love all of the Christmas markets. I definitely think it is something we should bring back to the states. Everyone had some Glühwein which I think is gross. It is like hot wine and I cant drink it. The other thing people drink is punsch. It is hot punch that comes in different flavors. I'm not a fan of that either so I got hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps! mmm!! It was so yummy! We basically went from hut to hut getting more hot drinks. It was a lot of fun! We headed back to Graes around 5:00pm because we were getting pretty cold. It had started to snow really big flakes and it was so pretty. It was a fun day in Münster. On the way back to the house we stopped at Jakob's Pizzeria. It is about the only restaurant in Graes and it was tiny. The food was good though and really cheap. It was a fun experience. We got back to the house and what did we do? Of course they offered us more beer. Aimee went to visit more family because her parents and sister came today. Marita, Brady, Jake and I played some games and it was so much fun. We taught her some of our games and she taught us some of hers. It was a great night. Then when Aimee came back, her sister Emily came with too and we played some more games. It was a really fun day.
Aimee, Me , and Marita

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