Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy to be done with classes, not so happy to be done with Salzburg

I spent the whole morning on Thursday studying for my philosophy final. I studied so much for that test that I got to a point where I just had to stop because I couldn't study any more. The test was at 3:40pm and it was an oral test with the professor. Aimee and I got to do it at the same time so we went a little early to see how it went for the people before us. Megan and Megan went first and it was a little dissappointing because they didn't tell us anything about how it went. They just ran off. I didn't understand why they did tht. Anyway, we went in to take the test and it was a little nerve-racking. First of all, Dr. Zecha is really intimidating and he is an overall rude guy. He has no problems telling you you're wrong which can be scary sometimes. So we went in there and he started asking questions and I felt so bad for Aimee because her questions were SO much harder than mine. I actually felt pretty good about my answers. There was only one answer where I got only part of the correct answer but I'm not too worried about it. As I was listening to Aimee's questions I just kept thinking how I would not know how to answer them at all. I felt so bad! The test only lasted about 20 minutes and man were we SO happy when it was over! It was the best feeling. We then went back to our dorms to rest a little bit since we had been studying all day. Then later Kevin came over and he asked some people if we wanted to grab dinner somehere. We went to Gabler which had really good food. It was Aimee, Kevin, Jeremy, Matthew and I who all went and it was a lot of fun! It was really nice because Kevin paid for us all. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. It was great! Then at night everyone went to the blue building to hang out. They do that every night which gets kind of boring after awhile but whatever.

Friday was a great day because it was so nice being able to not worry about homework and just enjoy Salzburg! Aimee, Matthew and I headed to Mirabell because we had to "check-out" of the country. You have to tell them that you are leaving otherwise they might think you are still there when you shouldn't be. I am no longer a part of Austria. How sad! Afterwards we went to the Mirabell Christmas Market. I thought it would have the same stuff as they do in town but it was different and I found some stuff to buy which was great! Then we headed to the old town to look at the Christkindlmarkt some more. I bought stuff there too which was fun. I have definitely been in a money spending mood lately. haha! At two we had to meet with our director to turn in our books and get our bins to pack things in. After that I started packing up my room and it was so wierd! I took down everything on my wall and packed all the things that I bought. I did some laundry which was good and packed some of the clothes I wont be needing for the next couple days. I am hoping everything fits in my suitcase. At 7 Aimee and I went ice skating in the town square. No one else wanted to go with which was dumb but it didn't stop us from going! It was so much fun! Eventually Sean, Dan and Kolby came and we made them bring us some hot chocolate with baileys. So yummy! It was the perfect thing to have while ice skating! It was even snowing a little bit which made it that much better! At 9 we went back to our dorms to shower because we were meeting up with the guys at Flip. Unfortunately when we got there the boys had left already and I forgot my cell phone. We didn't care all that much though so we stayed at Flip and had a drink. It was nice just the two of us. Aimee is so great! Afterwards we went back to the dorms and people were hanging out it blue again. Aimee and I weren't really in that mood so we just went to bed. It was a really fun day and it is so sad to think we only have two more!


  1. I'm glad to hear you used the laundry machines at least once.

  2. Hate to say it - but I said the same thing to Dad and Laurann about the Laundry part.

    It is an all out blizzard here - you will certainly be coming home to a White Christmas.

    Love you,

  3. I did laundry more than once! I guess I just never put it in my blog. I am so excited for all the snow! 9 days!
