Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hamburg: Final Destination

We woke up Saturday morning and packed up all of our stuff. We had breakfast and then headed with Franca to the train station. It wasn't a far walk but it had just snowed so it was so annoying dragging my suitcase through the snow. It was so heavy! Luckily after awhile Jake and I switched suitcases. It was very nice of Jake to take my suitcase. We made it to the train station and bought out tickets for Hamburg. I was not looking forward to another day of lugging my suitcase around but it had to be done. Aimee, Emily, Jake, Brady and I made it to Hamburg around 6pm. The train ride took about three hours. Once we made it to the Hamburg train station I thought we would be loading in a car but no. We had to carry our stuff on to two subways and one bus. I was getting very tired of it all. We met Sandra at the train station and she seems very nice. She stayed with Aimee for a whole year so Aimee knew her pretty well. We made it to her house and hauled all of our stuff to the top level where we all stayed in one big room. Once again it was crazy to think they had a room big enough for five people. Then we ate homemade pizza for dinner. It would have been good but I think she took it out of the oven too early. It tasted raw and the cheese was barely melted. I didnt have the heart to say anything. We hung out awhile until Sandra's friends came at 8:30. We met Andy, Kevin and Yana and they were all really nice. We had some drinks and sang some classic German songs before heading out the the club. We went to the Keats which is one street full of clubs and bars. The one we went in was an Irish club which was so much fun! Downstairs had classic club music but another part of the club had a live band called the Rock House Brothers. We all wished we had listened to them earlier because they were so good! And they played really good songs. It was a really fun night and we headed back home around 3:30am. We didnt realize how tired we were until we got back to the house and went to bed. It was a nice first night in Hamburg.
Club in Hamburg

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