Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Final Stretch

The last week in Salzburg has come and I can hardly believe it! Monday was my last full day of classes. I started out with Art which was as boring as ever. Then I went to German and took our finl. It went really well! It was our last German class which made me sad because I really enjoyed that class and the professor was great! It is also really wierd to think I am done with German. I have had a german class every year since 8th grade. That is a lot of German! I should be so much better than I am! Then I had my last Philosophy class which I definitely was not sad about. We listened to presentations then he gave us the questions for our final which I thought would be really helpful. NOPE! He gave us 170 questions to know and he is going to ask us 5. It is so ridiculous! I also have an 8 page paper to write for that class. Ahh! It is a little bit stressful. Monday night was spent studying for my art final.

Tuesday started with Lisa's class whcih was pointless like always. After class I went back to study for art. Then at 3 we had our test and last art class. The test went pretty well but you never really know until you get it back. She then made us her Christmas punch which contains black tea and rum. Only in Europe will a professor make her students alcoholic drinks! Got to love it! The punch wasn't really my thing but everyone else loved it. It was nice of her to make it for all of us. Frau Hintner was a nice lady but not really a great professor. Her class was always boring. After art I worked on some homework. My german class met at 6 to go to  movie my german professor set up for us. We went together and bought her a thank you gift. We signed it and then headed over to the place. We watched Die Welle (The Wave) which was a great movie. It was pretty intense but it was good. Frau Raidel gave us our tests back which I was happy about. We then said goodbye and left which was wierd to think we won't ever see her again. I got back to my room and worked on my philosophy paper. I got a majority of it done which was good and then went to bed.

Wednesday was great because we didn't have any class since it is a national holiday. Apparently they get school off because of the Immaculate Conception. Strange but i'm not complaining! I got up and headed to the city to go shopping. I had every intention of buying Christmas gifts but I came back with stuff for myself instead! It was terrible. I havent bought many souvenirs so I didn't feel that badly. Town was incredibly crowded. I guess it makes sense because it was a holiday but there were so many tour groups too. It was also a really nice day so that probably had an effect too. It was so nice today but sadly all the snow melted. It got up to 50 degrees. I shopped for about 2 hours and ten went back to my dorm to work on homework some more. I got my paper done but have to study for the final which is going to be rough. It will definitely be a late night. I have until 3pm to study tomorrow so hopefully that will help. It will be SO nice to be done with this test!


  1. Well, this isn't the happiest blog for you... but I'm anxiously awaiting your homecoming!!

    I "less-than-three" you, meine schwester :)

  2. No, definitely not the most exciting blog! haha!

    I less-than-three you too!
