Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One Last Day in Hamburg

I woke up around 10am and checked my flight status again. I was so happy to see that the Frankfurt Airport webiste said that the runways were all clear and the airport was up and running again. That definitely put me in a good mood for the rest of the day and I could just enjoy being in Hamburg one last day. Aimee's parents then came around 1pm which was fun because it added a change to our normal routine. They are such nice people. We had soup for lunch and just talked for a bit before heading out to the Christmas market again. I didn't mind seeing that again because it is absolutely amazing. We had some drinks and then Sandra's sister, Julia, took me back home. The rest of the family was going to a professional handball game but I couldn't go because I had to catch my train to Frankfurt. It was a good thing Julia didn't want to go because she was the one who took me to the station. I had to then say goodbye to Aimee and her family which was sad but I knew it was coming. I am so glad I got to spend more time with Aimee because she is so much fun. Julia and I headed to the train station at 10pm but we were there a little early because my train didn't get there until 11pm. I was so glad Julia didn't mind staying there with me. The train was a mess. I had made a reservation because there was no way I was going to risk not getting a seat. So I had a seat on wagen 9 but when the train came there was only a wagen 7 and 10. I was so confused! It was terrible. So I got on one wagen and it was all full so everyone was standing in the hallway. It was nuts. Luckily they cleared out a cabin and let me sit because I was going all the way to Frankfurt. I had to ask one woman if I was on the right train because I just didn't know. It was a good thing she understood my broken German. Haha! The train ride was definitely the worse one I had ever been one!

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