Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A day with Gustav

Aimee, Jake, Brady and I all got up and ready aroun 9:30 which was pretty good for all of us. We had a huge breakfast with sandwiches and Marianne made really good eggs with bacon in it. It was so delicious! After breakfast Gustav took us all to the Wiesman Gecko car factory. It was really random but so cool! It was a car factory that handmakes all of the cars. They were really cool looking but the price was not so cool. One of the most expensive was 200,000 Euros. There was one for only 90,000 Euros though too. ;)  We saw the cars being made and looked at some of the ones on the floor. They were really nice cars! And really fast! The speedometer went up to 360 km\hour. Afterwards Gustav took us to Lakeside Inn which was a really cool bar. We had a drink there before going back home. Marianne had soup waiting for us. We all relaxed a bit while Aimee went and visited some more of her family that she had never met. We decided it wouldnt be too bad if we missed that since Aimee hadnt even met them. Then Aimee's other cousin Claudia came over with her baby. She was really nice but the baby was probably the ugliest baby I had ever seen! I definitely didnt say she was so cute like everyone else because that would be a huge lie! haha! Then we headed to Enschede and saw Harry Potter 7 with Marita. It was a lot of fun! We got food before the movie but it was really strange Dutch food. We went back to the house at 12:30 and of course Gustav and Marianne were still awake. I went to bed even though people stayed up. I was just too tired.
The 200,000 Euro Car

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