Friday, December 24, 2010

My Fairytale in Castle Country Comes to an End

And so (as Mom put it) my fairytale in castle country is over. There are not even words to describe how wonderful it was. I am so blessed and thankful to have had such an amazing experience. There are so many things I will take from this trip and I truly feel like I have learned so much. I have seen so many countries, made new friends and as cheesy as it sounds have grown as a person. I hope one day I can make it back to Salzburg and relive all of the amazing things I did while I was there. As for now I am so excited to be home and ready to be back at CSB in the Spring. I cannot wait to share my experience with those who will be travelling there next fall and to hang out with everyone in my group. We really did get close and that is one thing which I am so happy about. Thanks to everyone for reading my blog and coming on this journey with me! It truly was great reading all of your comments. I am sad it is over so soon but I feel like the luckiest girl in the world by being able to have this great experience.

Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Thanks for sharing all of your adventures with us, Nick! We loved hearing all about them but we are glad you are home! :)

  2. I loved every minute of your "crazy" stories and experiences. And now I love every minute that you are home - or at CSB - well at least on this continent.

    I am very proud of you for taking Katie's advice and making every minute abroad count.

    Welcome home, Nickie - Welcome Home!

    Love, Mom
