Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Can Sleep When I'm Dead

This morning I got up and got ready and went down to the reception desk to figure out our day. It was about 9:00am when I went to go check and the guy at the desk said the bus left for the Aran Islands at 9:30am. Everyone else was still sleeping so I went back upstairs to see who would want to go and people were not really excited about getting up after being up so late the night before. I definitely didn't want to sleep the day away so we headed to the bed. It ended up being Kate, Jake, Brady, Kevin and me that went and I am so glad we did! It was absolutely beautiful! We caught the bus at the last minute and it was an hour bus ride to the ferry. We then got on the ferry and headed to the island. The ferry ride was a lot of fun because we went to the back of the boat and the waves were huge! It was fun but cold. When we got to the island we grabbed a sandwich for lunch and then took a van tour around the island. We were thinking about getting bikes but it started to rain. The van tour only cost 10 Euro and it took us to the fort which was on these really tall cliffs. It was amazing! I had heard that people have blown off the cliffs before but we were pretty safe. I of course had to look over the edge but we crawled and held on to the rocks. It was so cool and I am so glad that I went. We spent about an hour and a half at the cliffs and then got back in the van. Our guide showed us some other things like a really old church which was neat. The island was just gorgeous all around because you could see water on all sides and luckily the weather cleared up right when we got to the cliffs. It was perfect! After the tour we had about 2 hours before the ferry left so we went in some stores and then sat in a bar for awhile. It was really cold at that point so it felt nice to be inside. The ferry ride back was absolutely nuts! It was so very rocky and at some points it was a little scary but in the end everything was fine. We got back to our hostel around 7:00pm. It was a long day but a lot of fun! We got some dinner and then just hung out in the room for awhile. We then headed to The Quays again for a drink. They had a really good band there so it was fun to dance and sing to the songs. It was nice that they actually played songs we knew. We had to get everything cleaned up in our room and leave early in the morning so we took it easy.

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