Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gearing up for Prague!

Well, I finally got all the homework done and it feels great! I didn't think I was going to get through for a minute there but it ended up being ok. I ended up not having to do my Philosophy presentation on Monday which was kind of upsetting but oh well. Now i'm prepared for next class. Monday afternoon was spent finishing my paper for our Senior Seminar class. It was a little rough! I am so out of practice with writing papers but I think it was alright. Everyone booked it to their rooms after class to finish their papers because at night there was a party for the students at our dorms. One of the buildings here has a bar in it and they had drinks for 1 Euro. It was our "carrot" (as Mom would say) to getting our papers done. I cranked it out pretty fast and we all headed to the bar around 10pm. It was fun to see everyone but we didn't really get to talk to anyone we hadn't met already. It was a little crowded in there but it was fun. It felt like another awkward college thing they put on to get people to mix but it doesnt really work. haha! Katie was complaining that I don't put enough funny stories in my blog so here goes -

There was a pool table there and some people were playing. Of course I wanted to play to show off my skills. Ha! Apparently I am a little rusty! A guy in my group was playing with his roommate against some other guys and he went somewhere quick so I said I would shoot for him. Well, that was a mistake! I get up there and totally sink the other teams ball. Yeah! I about laughed until I cried. Ego was totally shot! Haha! It was really funny and no one cared but man! I am going to have to go there and practice before next time. It was terrible! : P After that I booked it out of there (haha not really) and our group went to another building to hang out. We just sat around and talked. We were all so happy to be done with our papers that we had to celebrate. We use any excuse we possibly can.

Then this morning we had our class and we had to give a little presentation about what we wrote in our papers. Of course we didn't get to me so I was totally prepared for no reason. Another thing which made us mad is that our Philosophy class got cancelled for Wednesday but of course our director is making us meet to talk about program stuff. She just doesn't give us a break! She said we need to talk about the hightened warnings that are for Europe whch I guess is good but we already have about 5 emails about it so it will probably just be repeated. Anyway, after class I went back to my room and got some stuff done. I only had one class so it was not a big deal. Then at 2:30pm the group that is going to Prague this weekend went to the train station to buy our tickets! I am so excited! It is going to be really fun because the group that is going are all really easy going people so we shouldn't have any problems. It is going to be Aimee, Kevin, Jake, Sean, Brady, Dan, Kolby and me. We havent booked our hostel yet but we are still figuring out our plans. We are leaving Thursday at 2pm and then will come back on Sunday. It should be a lot of fun! This is our first travel weekend not as a whole group so we'll see how it goes.

Tonight we are going to another bar and possibly a place that has salsa dancing which should be interesting. I don't know if we are going there for sure but we'll see. Tomorrow we have two classes and then it is the weekend! Tomorrow night we are all invited to our director's house for dinner so that should be nice too. Then off to Prague! I will make sure to bring a notebook with so I don't forget to blog about anything!!

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