Thursday, October 14, 2010

The "Study" in Study Abroad is Just to Make it Look Like We're Studying

This week flew by! I only had to go to three classes this entire week which was so nice. We all realized this week that we do absolutely no studying. We do what we need to but honestly it is nothing compared to being on campus. Monday was just a day to catch up after a busy weekend. I had one class and the other one was cancelled so in the afternoon almost our whole group went and played a game of football. It was a lot of fun! It was so nice outside and a great day for it. Then on Tuesday I just had one class in the morning. It was my class with my director and she freaked out because we were late. It was not our fault though because there was a ton of traffic which is wierd because that never happens. She told us that we have to plan for those things which was kind of ridiculous. After class we were all joking saying "Well, we should stay inside because there might be a tornado. We have to plan for it!" Haha! Probably not the best thing to do but she totally overreacted! Then Tuesday night we went to an opera put on by the students at the Mozarteum. It was called Entfuhrung aus dem Serail. No idea what that means but we ended up leaving at intermission. We honestly thought it was over but apparently it wasn't. It was really good but operas are difficult to understand in English so an opera in German was just too much. Afterwards we just went back to our rooms and relaxed. I probably should have done some homework but I didn't feel like it. ; )   Then on Wednesday I only had to go to my morning class. My German class was cancelled which was nice but it is my favorite class so it would have been nice to have the other one cancelled. Oh well. So since we had the afternoon free we decided to start planning our week long break. It is going to take a lot of work and we probably should have started it a long time ago but it should be fine. The plan it looks like is 6 of us are going to Switzerland for about 4 days then going to Ireland for about 5 days and we are meeting up with two other people in Ireland then we are going to Amsterdam for 2 days and meeting up with another 2 people from our group. It will take a lot of planning but I am really excited! It is crazy that that is next week already! We have to get going! haha! We didn't get as much planning done as we would have liked because some people sat with us who arent going with us and they kept distracting people but anyway, it was fine I guess. Now I am getting all packed and we are heading to Vienna this afternoon! Our whole group is going and it should be a lot of fun! I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. So nice skyping with you, Honey. I bet you are studying now - mid-terms and then mid-term break.

    Good luck,

    Love, Mom
