Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hectic Week

Monday was a super long day! I had an extra art class which meant I was in class from 9am until 4:30pm with only an hour break in between. It was alright but I was extremely tired afterwards. At 6pm the group I will be travelling with next week got together to book everything. We got most of it booked which was nice to actually have something set in stone. We probably waited a little too long but everything worked out. After the meeting I got to Skype with Mom, Dad and Lud which was really nice! We talked for about 2 hours which was good because we had a lot to catch up on. It made my night that I got to talk to them! The conversation went until about 12am and I still had homework to do. Oops! It didn’t take me very long and I was in bed by 1am which wasn’t too bad.

Tuesday was not the best day. Everything just kept getting worse as the day went on. I had class at 9am which was fine but when I went back to my room I decided to look at flights for our trip and the flight I found which was really cheap was no longer available. So that was too bad. Then I had to talk to Lisa about my paper I wrote for her class and that just made me angry! I did really poorly on the paper and her reasoning for it was stupid. She kept saying how she didn’t agree with what I said in my paper which is dumb because that is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter whether she agrees or not. So now I have to redo my paper and it was just not good. Ahh! Afterwards I just went back to my room and took a nap and tried to just forget about everything. Then on top of it all I had to go to another 3 hour art class. It wasn’t so bad but it was just boring. After class we went and got dinner at Haci’s and then I went back to my room and studied for my three midterms. Matthew came over to study which helped a lot. I studied until about 12:00am then went to bed.

Today was a very busy day and I am really glad I am done with everything. I started with my Philosophy final at 9am which was pretty difficult. There were things on the test we never talked about in class which I thought was kind of unfair. Then I had an art final at 11am which was ok. Then the last one was German which I think went pretty well. It was not too difficult. After I was done with the German midterm, Brady, Jake and I went to the train station to get our tickets for our trip. Then later we finished up all of our plans. Everything is finally set and I am so excited! I have a lot of packing and stuff left to do but other than that I am ready to go. I don’t know if I said what the plans are before but here it is: I leave for Luzern, Switzerland on Friday with Brady, Jake and Kevin. Then from Switzerland we are flying to Ireland and meeting up with Kate, Jeremy, Dan and Sean. We will spend 3 nights in Galway and one in Dublin. Then we will spend 2 nights in Amsterdam (I know, really random!). It should be a lot of fun! Hopefully everything will go smoothly and hopefully I can keep up with my blog!


  1. Nickie, I cannot believe you're already done with mid-terms! Congrats!

    I look forward to reading your blogs about your trip. Switzerland definitely has a certain allure... I'll be thinking of you and I am hoping you have a splendid trip!

  2. Thanks Beth!!!I am so glad the midterms are done! I am so excited for this trip and I can't wait to blog about it! :D

  3. You're done with midterms - congrats! Now off to Switzerland, Ireland and the Netherlands - what a treat! Have a great time. I too, am looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

    Ich liebe dich.
