Saturday, October 23, 2010

Falling in Love with Luzern!

Dying Lion Monument
We woke up this morning at about 9:00am, made a really good breakfast of bacon and eggs and went exploring! Our plan for the day was to just do a self-guided walking tour which turned out to be really nice! The first stop was to the Dying Lion of Luzern monument. It was only a block away from our hostel so we went there first. It is a giant lion that is carved into a rock face. It is pretty cool because it is really detailed and it is crazy to think about how they created it. Apparently it was a memorial of the Swiss people who died in some battle back in the 1700’s. There is water around it and a lot of trees which was pretty. All of the leaves on the trees are changing so it is gorgeous. Then we walked to the Musegg Wall which goes along the northern part of the town. We walked around the wall and went into the towers. There are a total of nine towers but you can only go in three of them. Going in the towers gave really cool views of the city. I took a lot of pictures and we just kind of took our time. We walked some of the roads and went in a few stores. Afterwards we went to a place to get pizza for lunch. It was really good pizza. After walking around town all day we headed back to the hostel to take a little rest. As we were doing that the weather began to clear up so we thought we should go back out. There was blue sky and everything looked amazing! The sun started to set and it was the perfect time to take pictures! It was gorgeous! The pictures I took do not give it justice but they still are pretty! We walked across the two old bridges in town. One is called the Chapel Bridge and I forgot the name of the other one. They are pretty much the same. There are pictures on the ceiling of the bridge and there is a tower thing connected to it. When it started to get darker we went back to the hostel and made dinner. It was really fun all cooking together! We made pasta which crème sauce and frankfurters. We all made it together with music blaring and everything. It was fun and it actually tasted good!
Then we decided to go out and we went to a bar just down the road which was called Mindblowers. They had good music playing and we just hung out there. Then later that night Kevin, Jake and I went to go find the bar they went to the night before but we never found it. It was getting late so we just decided to go back to the hostel and go to bed. It was a fun day exploring the city and the whole time I couldn’t believe how beautiful everything is!
Chapel Bridge

1 comment:

  1. California and Mindblowers?!? Funny names for restaurants in a small, Swiss villiage. Great posts, Nickie - wish I could be there too!
