Monday, September 6, 2010

What a weekend!

So I survived my first weekend! It was a little crazy but a lot of fun. On friday the whole group went to the place where we will have class and met with the Austrian director of the program. He didn't really say much and it was kind of a waste of time but its ok. We don't have our schedule set yet which is a little upsetting but we will find it all out Monday. After we toured where the classes will be we got lunch at one of the cafeterias. Then we had some free time. I walked around the city for awhile then headed back to my room and took a little nap. It was a much needed nap! At night the group hung out and relaxed. It was fun just to hang out after a long day of walking around.

On Saturday I met back up with Mom and Dad. They went to Halstadt for Thursday and Friday and came back to see more of Salzburg. We went out and bought a few things for my room which will be really nice since the bedding they provided was not good. Now I have a huge pillow and a nice down blanket. I'm excited to test it out! After the shopping we found their hotel and parked the car. Then we hit the streets! We walked to the main parts of Salzburg and it was really crowded. It made sense because it was a Saturday and full of tourists. After seeing the town a little bit we went to the fortress which overlooks the whole city. It definitely had the best views! So beautiful! We walked around the fortress and then went on an audio tour. I am looking forward to going again with my group because I didn't hear anything! I could not tell you one thing that I learned. This guy Steve kept talking to me the whole time. I tried to make it obvious I was listening to the audio but that didn't stop him. I am pretty sure the group is planning on going again so maybe I will actually learn something about the fortress. Afterwards we got dinner at a nice restaurant with typical German food. Then we headed back to the hotel and I actually stayed the night with them. It was very nice!

Sunday morning we got breakfast. I kind of mooched off of the hotels included breakfast but no one noticed. Then I said good bye to Mom and Dad and got on the bus back to my dorm. My group then headed to Hellbrunn Schloss which was a very pretty mansion. It was a summer home to the Archbishop. It had beautiful gardens and the tour was pretty cool. The best part of the day came in the afternoon. One of the girls on my trip ended up in the hospital Friday morning and four of us went to visit her. She is still in the hospital and might have to be there until Wednesday. I felt so bad for her but it was good we visited. Afterwards the four of us who visited her (Kevin, Brady, Chris and me) took one of the bus lines all the way to the end of the line where there were mulitple walking paths with beautiful lakes. We found a big park with a small zip line and it was a lot of fun! The view was beautiful with the sun setting, the reflection on the lake and the mountains in the background. Also, the weather was really nice so that helped. We just hung out for a couple of hours and it was great. We decided it was nice to just be in a group of four for a little bit instead of the whole group. The whole group is great but smaller groups are good too. When we got back to our dorms, we found out that we needed to do a homework assignment that was due awhile ago so we got together to do it but that of course didn't happen. We got a little distracted by music and Youtube videos. We will get it done eventually! :P Overall it was a great day even though I miss not having Dad and Mom here!

1 comment:

  1. We all need to do the tour again - Steve was so busy trying to get Nickie's name - how long she will be in Salzburg - and generally flirting with her - we missed most of the tour!

    We had a great time - all followers should go visit and give her more "blog fodder" as I call it!

    Love, Mom
