Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Easy Week

It is officially the weekend! I am so glad to be done with classes for the week. I don’t think this will ever happen again but I only had classes on Monday and Wednesday and it was wonderful. On Tuesday, Megan B. and I went to see the Mirabell Gardens. We both have the same schedule so we like to find something special to do when we don’t have class. It’s nice to always have someone to do something with who is up for just about anything. We went to the gardens and luckily it was a nice day. Everything was so beautiful. I believe the gardens are also in the Sound of Music but I’m not sure at what point. I think Julie Andrews runs through the vine arches during the “I have Confidence” song. We walked through the gardens and then just sat and talked. I think I could have done it all day. There were a ton of tourists so it was fun watching them too! After awhile we went and had lunch at the same little restaurant we went to a couple days ago. It has really good food and good prices. In the afternoon we went back to our dorms and not much was going on. I really needed to get groceries so a group of us went to the market which is just down the road. It is really nice to have a place so close. I had absolutely no food and I think I was getting a lot of weird looks from people since I had so much. Haha! People just don’t buy a lot of groceries at a time apparently. It’s a lot different than it is at home. I will pretty much be living off of sandwiches, noodles and chicken for the rest of the semester. I am such a horrible cook!

Today I had two classes. I went to Philosophy in the morning. That class is going to be the death of me! I do not understand it at all! Our professor is really intimidating and asks us a bunch of unanswerable questions. It will not be fun. In the afternoon I had my German class which is my absolutely favorite class. Our professor is awesome! She is a younger woman and I love that she talks about such relevant things. Last time she gave us a map of all the fun things for younger people to do around town and today we spent the whole time talking about Oktoberfest since she knew we were going there this weekend. It was great! In the afternoon a group of us went to the park and played football again. It was a lot of fun but I do have some bruises. Some people are pretty brutal! At 6:00 Chris, Jen and I decided to go to Mass at the Cathedral. Well, that was an adventure! When we got there we thought it was at 6:30 but they had locked the doors. So we looked at the sign and it said 7:00 so we decided to wait until then. Around 6:45 a line started forming outside the door. We thought it was strange but it is a famous Cathedral so we thought there were just a lot of people. As we got closer to the door we saw a man taking things from people. It turned out there was a concert that night! I was so disappointed. We think the daily mass is at 7:00 in the morning which is just dumb. I really wanted to go to weekly mass because we have been busy on Sundays. We were pretty bummed so instead we decided to do the Austrian thing and go to a bar! We tried to find Murphy’s bar but we couldn’t find it. We are so used to traveling with a group who knows where it is and we totally forgot how to get there. The whole night was a fail but it was an adventure that is for sure! Hopefully tomorrow will make for a better day! Chris and I are going to figure out our trains for Oktoberfest this weekend! It will be fun to have our plans set!


  1. Well Honey, I am so proud of you, going to mass in the middle of the week - oh right there was no mass so you went to the bar instead!! I'm not sure that "counts"!

    Have fun at Oktoberfest - be careful.
    Love, Mom

  2. I have to say with my short stint in college Philosophy was my best subject. I actually did really good in that class - wonder what that means!!! Have a good weekend.


  3. Couldn't go to church so you had a pint instead?!? Nice try...

    I am so jealous you are attending Oktoberfest. I definitely think that's on my international bucket list. I just started it, it's not long. Haha Have a blast!


  4. Mom - We thought we would be like the locals and go to the bar in the middle of the week! :D And don't worry I will be careful at Oktoberfest!

    Kim - Maybe you can help me with my homework then because I am terrible!

    Katie - We are leaving in about 20 minutes and I am so excited! International bucket list eh? I hope you don't loose it before you actually make it back to Europe ;)

  5. So where is the Oktoberfest blog entry???

    Isn't it Sunday there now? Or are you looking for "churches" again....

  6. O.K. it is a bucket-list must - a Galowitz family trip to visit various "churches" in Austria and Germany during Oktoberfest!

    Prost, prost comarade.....

  7. I'm in! :D The "churches" here are really great!
