Thursday, September 9, 2010

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

This week was the first week of classes and everything went pretty well. I have to get back into the habit of going to class and doing homework. I feel like I have just been on vacation the whole time! My classes seem alright but it is hard to tell after only going to them twice. Philosophy is going to be difficult I can tell but that is ok. I think my favorite class will be my German class because our professor is really nice. She is going to give us a map of all the fun places and bars people our age go. We also talked about really relevant things so that was cool too. As much as I don’t want the homework to start I think classes should go well.

With classes going on, we don’t do much at night. Most of the time it just consists of hanging out in one of the lounges. We have gotten to know each other a lot better so it is fun just sitting around. On Wednesday, two of the girls and I decided to go for a little walk. It was nice out and we didn’t feel like just going back to our rooms. We decided we are in Austria and we can’t just hang out in the dorms all day! So we walked to Hellbrunn Castle again. It is a really nice walking path that is really close to where we live. We walked all the way to the castle and we found the Sound of Music pavilion. It was the first thing we found on our self-guided Sound of Music tour. It is funny because they keep it closed since so many people got hurt trying to jump from bench to bench like Liesl does in the “16 going on 17” scene. It makes sense because I totally would have tried it if we could have gone inside! Then we walked up a hill where there was an overlook with benches. It was really nice just sitting there and looking over the city. It was beautiful!

Today I didn’t have any classes. It was great! I slept in a little bit and actually worked on homework. Shocking I know. Megan B. and I decided to take an adventure to find one of the houses that was in the Sound of Music. We asked other people if they wanted to join in and it ended up being a pretty big group of us. I was surprised. I was proud of myself because I figured out which buses we needed to get on and it actually worked out! We found it right away. I think I’m getting the hang of it! We walked around the lake that the house is on and right when we got there the weather turned nice so it was great. The house is privately owned so we couldn’t go in it or anything but you get a good view from across the lake. It is in the part where Maria and the children tip over in the canoe. It is neat to see the things from the movie! Haha! I can now check two things off of my self-guided Sound of Music tour! After that we walked into town instead of taking the bus back. The group split off at that point and a couple of us went and got food. I had wiener schnitzel which is actually really good! It was a cute little restaurant. Tomorrow we have one class and then it is the weekend. I’m not sure what is going on but I’m sure it will be fun!


  1. I thought that was the famous gazebo before I read your blog! That and the house is awsome! I don't think you can be in Austria and not think of the Sound of Music.... Glad you are taking pictures. Have a good weekend - I am going to a snowmobile swap meet thing with Kristin and Phil and some friends..interesting.

  2. Who knew when Kim started calling our family the "Von Trapps" you would be so close to them?!

    Scott wants to join Kim at Hay Days - says he needs a better snowmobile too - - -hope he enjoyed his trip overseas - cause that's the only new "ride" he'll see in a long while. :0)

    Love, Mom

  3. I am loving reading what you are doing - and am so glad you are having a good time, Honey.

    Love, Gramma

  4. Remember where those places are, Nickie! You know when Lud and I come we'll be singing the songs non-stop. I propose we find a way to get inside that gazebo and jump from bench to bench ;)
