Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of Class

9/6/10 - Monday

I think I am a little off when I post things but hopefully I will get back on track! Today (Monday) was our first day of classes. We all thought we didn't have to really go to class but just meet up to solidify our schedules. Well, that definitely wasn't the case. We all met with the professors and it was really dumb we all had to be around for that. All the professors were talking about when they wanted their classes and we all just sat there. It wasn't like we had any say in when our classes were going to be so I don't know why they couldn't have met at another time. Anyway, we got our schedules figured out and I am really excited because I only have classes on Mon-Wed! I lucked out because the only classes being held on Thursdays are the other two German classes that I am not signed up for. It worked out really well! We will sometimes have class on Fridays but that is only when we have something planned for the weekend so that is not a big deal. It will be nice once I start planning trips to be able to leave Wednesday night. I ended up having to go to three classes. I don't know what we all missed about today but no one thought we would go to that many. Oh well, it all turned out ok. Mondays will be my long days but it will be ok. They were going to move a class to Thursday but we told them we would rather have a full day Monday than class on Thursday. Mondays I will have class from 8:30 to 4:30 with an hour break for lunch, Tuesday I have one class at 3:00 and Wednesdays I have class from 9:00-10:30 and 1:30 to 3:00. I think it will be a pretty good schedule!

After class ended aroud 4:30 I went back to my room and relaxed a little. Then the whole group went out because it was someone's birthday. We went the Murphy's law which was the bar we all were at last time. They had half price beers so we all got one. Most of the group left to go to another bar with half price beers but me and a couple of people stayed. They always rush from bar to bar and all of you know I can't finish a beer that fast! haha! So we stayed and talked and it was perfect. We ended up meeting some girls from California who were studying abroad and they were really nice. It was definitely a full day and I think I am going to have trouble getting used to going to class!


  1. Sounds like you have more classes than Katie!! But I am glad to see you have a good amount of free time to relax and enjoy. Did you go to Walmart for your school supplies? (ha). We missed you this weekend but are so happy to hear that you are having a good time!! Love from Hayward. Kim

  2. Keep up the good work, Nick. Love the blog! Sounds like you've got a nice class schedule - you'll have some awesome 4 days trips to start planning ;)

  3. Enjoy yourself, don't worry too much about the homework- just work on liking that good ole Austrian/German beer!

    Love, Papa
