Sunday, November 28, 2010

"So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!"

On Friday, K,L and I got on a train to Munich. We got there at about 12:25pm and headed to our hotel. We checked in and then headed out to see Munich. Katie and I have been there before but Laurann had never seen the city. It was fun because Munich also had a Christkindlmarkt so there was a lot of lights and everything. We just walked around and went in some shops. We didn't do much but it was fun walking around. It was snowing pretty hard at one point which I loved! A funny thing that happened (which I forgot to mention before) was the we were walking down the street and I all of a sudden slipped and fell to the ground. I stepped on a manhole cover that was slippery and gracefully fell to the ground. haha! It was the wierdest thing! Luckily no one was behind me but of course Katie had to tell me that there was a restaurant full of people who saw me go down. Not exactly what I wanted to hear at that point. Oh well. After awhile we headed to the Hofbrauhaus for some beer and Kasespaetzle. It was delicious! The place was absolutely packed so we had to sit at a table in the back which was too bad. It would have been fun to be in the main hall. Oh well, it was still a lot of fun. The back room filled up eventually so that was nice. We stayed there for a couple hours and just hung out. Then afterwards we went and got Spaghettieis. Probably the best dessert ever! I have not found it in Austria so we just had to have it! Even though it was freezing outside ice cream tasted wonderful. We then headed to the hotel which was funny because it was only about 7pm but that was ok because we all had to be up early in the morning. Then we got to Skype with Mom and Dad so they weren't worrying about us and afterward we went to bed.

In the morning we were all up at 6am. They packed up their stuff and we all headed to eat breakfast. Then at about 7am I had to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes! I have always been so terrible with that stuff. I will be home in a couple of weeks yet I was still sad to say goodbye to them. They headed to the train station and I went back to the hotel to shower and everything. I called the reception desk to see when the next train to Salzburg left and I checked out of the hotel at about 8am. My train left at 8:27 so it was perfect. I spent the train ride doing my homework and reached good ol' Salzburg around 10am. When I got back to my dorm I got started right away on homework. I have so much to do this weekend! I got some stuff done and then at night a group of us got together and watched Elf. It was just what I needed! Afterwards I went to bed and started all over again with homework Sunday mornng. I feel like I have been doing homework all day and not getting anywhere. I have  philosophy presentation tomorrow that I am worried about and an art test. Ahhhh! Who knew this study abroad thing would be this much work? Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow! My next blog could be interesting...


  1. Sounds like you guys had a great visit! It all sounds so great. Can't wait to have you home, though! :)

  2. I hope all your classwork is going well, despite the post.

    So glad to hear you had a fantastic time with Katie & Laurann! I love the photos you've posted, very interesting hats in many of them. :)

  3. Thank you so much for everything, Nickie. You were a wonderful hostess! I've been in class all morning just thinking about Salzburg - meat sandwiches for breakfast, nutella, public transportation, mountains, KrisKringelmart, Kasespaetzle and YOU!

    Good luck with all the homework/tests!!

  4. Thanks, Kristin! It was a great week. I am definitely getting excited o be home in 3 weeks!

    Beth- classwork went well and I am so glad it is over! The next week will be pretty busy with homework and everything but that is ok. Yes, Katie and Laurann found some hats while they were here! haha!

    Katie- You are welcome! The week was so much fun!
