Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm getting really bad at keeping up with my blog!

Group at the Stiegl Brewery
This is a little late but here is what my weekend was like:
Friday was an overall really fun day! We started off with our test which wasn’t bad at all. Then in the afternoon we all went to the Stiegl brewery which I thought was really cool. It is just a small brewery but it is important to Salzburg because Stiegl is the official beer of Salzburg. You can find Stiegl in any bar so it was cool to see. We had a really good tour guide and at the end of the tour we got to sample three kinds of Stiegl beer. I had the Beer of the Month which is only served at the brewery, then I had Paracellcus which was pretty good and then the third one I had was Radler. Everyone gave me crap for getting the Radler because it is half beer and half lemonade. I don’t care what they say, it tastes good! The tour was really fun and we were all so shocked to have a program tour that was actually interesting. (Not like the farm museum!) Of course we were the ones to suggest it which it is nice she lets us but it just shows how Lisa just doesn’t get it. After the brewery a small group of us went to a restaurant which had really good Calzones. It was a nice restaurant but it was too small. We were told to be quiet at one point which just really bothers me! No one here talks! You all definitely know I am not one to be quiet. (Look who my mom is! J ) There were only four other people in the restaurant at the time and unless they were trying to sleep, I don’t think we were that big of a problem. Anyway, we all went back and got ready to go out for the night. I don’t know if I have said this before but each week we try to celebrate someone’s “birthday”. Basically it is just a reason to celebrate something but today we celebrated Aimee and my “birthday”. We have to double up so we can fit everyone in which I didn’t mind because Aimee is so great! We all got dressed up because we were going to go to this club which we didn’t get into before because we weren’t dressed well enough. Everyone looked really good! It was nice because with those kind of things you don’t know if everyone would be up for it but everyone was! It was great! We went to Flip for some drinks beforehand which was nice because people paid for my drinks. We like going to Flip because we can actually be in a group without it being difficult. We hung out there for about an hour and then headed over to Half Moon Club. Once again we were turned down. They claimed we weren’t dressed nice enough again but we think it was because we were in such a large group. We were so angry because we just wanted to dance! Is that so hard? We ended up at the Soda Club which was still a lot of fun. We got to dance there and they were having two-for-one cocktails. It was a really fun night and an overall great “birthday”!
The Salzach

Saturday was a beautiful day so Aimee, Matthew and I decided to get out. We took the bus to the Salzach See. It is a place with walking paths and a bunch of lakes. I had been there before but it was the first week we were in Salzburg. We walked right along the river which was beautiful. We walked right on the sand because the river is really low. We took some pictures and climbed on the rocks and then continued along the river on the path. It was a really relaxing walk and it was nice to be in a place I had never been before. We followed the river all the way back to the city center which was cool because it gave amazing views of the city. I took some good pictures too! Then we headed back to our dorms around 4 and relaxed a little bit. At night nothing special was going on. We all just hung out in the blue building and played some games. Then Aimee, Sean, Jen and I went to watch a movie but I was falling asleep so I went to bed. It was a pretty relaxing day but that was fine with me!

Home : )
Sunday, once again was a day for homework. It was too bad because the weather was beautiful but I was stuck inside. Aimee, Jen and I went to church at the Franziskaner church. I had never been there so it was nice to see something new. The service went really fast. It was a nice service and I like that it wasn’t until 10:30 so I could still sleep in a little bit. After church we went and got Kebab which was delicious. We hadn’t had it in a long time so we were craving it. Sadly, after that we had to start homework. I had so much to do! I had to do a German presentation and rewrite my Philosophy test. It took forever for me to do but I got it all done. I had some nice Skype study breaks which is always good! I went to bed around 1am which was later than I had hoped but atleast I got everything done.

Monday was a long day as usual. Classes just seemed to drag on and on. I had my presentation which went well so I was happy. After classes I went back to study for another seminar test for a couple of hours before I had to leave again. My German class was going to watch a movie called Soul Kitchen. We went to this room that is a part of the University. It was crazy looking and had a room with couches and a projector. It was really fun! We could understand the movie which was shocking and our professor brought snacks for us. My German class is so much fun! It definitely is my favorite class. We always do so many fun and relevant things and the people in it are a lot of fun. There is only 8 of us so it is a good size group. I just love it! After the movie I went back to study a little more and then went to bed.

Nothing exciting happened on Tuesday. I had a test in the morning which went well but we had to stay and watch a really boring movie about Hitler’s Eagle Nest. We had no idea why she was showing us the video. It just shows she has absolutely nothing for us to do. It is kind of bad but we have all come to the conclusion we don’t care for our director, Lisa, very much. She is just not very smart when it comes to some things and she just doesn’t have a feel for what we want to do and learn about. Our test we took had so many errors on it and it was just confusing. I went back and took a little nap and then talked to Sean and Aimee about our trip to Hallstatt. We are planning on going there on Thursday and we are having trouble finding a place to stay. Everything we have tried is either closed for the season or is expensive. We still have to figure that all out. Hopefully we will find something.  


  1. Beer and lemonade - here I thought they were giving you a hard time for having 3 beers - you've come a long way!

    And what do you mean about talking so much - that you got from Dad!!

    Love, Mom

    (p.s. I hope your advisor doesn't follow this blog - not sure that will help your grade any...

  2. Ha! Oh Mom, she would have no way of finding my blog. Thanks for your concern though.

  3. The places you've been visiting are very interesting! I am learning all kinds of things. I also love the photos of your walk along the river near Salzburg - beautiful!

    I'm glad you're well. I look forward to the blogs when you're sisters are with you.
