Saturday, November 20, 2010

Holiday in Hallstatt

So Aimee, Brady, Dan, Sean, Kevin, Jake and I all headed to the train station around 7:15am Friday morning. We got on our train at 8am and it was kind of a crazy train ride. We were on the train for about an hour before we had to switch trains. Then, once we switched, we found out that we had to take a bus to another train station and then take another train to Hallstatt. It was a little much but we made it! It is so funny because once you get off at the extremely tiny Hallstatt train station you have to take a boat to the actual city of Hallstatt. It was rainy and cold but the town was beautiful! It is so quaint and small with mountains in every direction. So gorgeous! We found our hostel really easily. It was not a hostel really but I don’t know what else to call it. It was called Pension Hallberg and it was really nice. We had two rooms that each had kitchenettes. Aimee, Dan, Sean and I were in one room and then the other three were in the other. The rooms were really nice. The owners of the place were incredibly nice. The house had a bunch of old Nazi stuff that was recovered from the lake and the lady told us all about it. They also offered to dry our wet clothes for us and gave us umbrellas. They were so great and also set out apples, cookies and tea for us to have. Everything there was really great. After we dropped off our stuff we went to walk around the town. We went up to the bone house but it was closed. They had a number to call so we did and set up an appointment for later to see it. Then we headed up the paths up the mountain and saw a small waterfall. It was fun just to walk around and it had good views of the town. Then we had lunch at one of the only open places in the whole town. Honestly, everything was closed down which was too bad but it was ok. It was really good food. Afterwards we went and found a grocery store to make dinner in our rooms. We got makings for a stir fry and it was really cheap which everyone liked. At 5 we met up with a man who let us into the Bone House.
He was really nice and was telling us all about it. It was kind of creepy because there is a bunch of skulls everywhere but I thought it was interesting. We went back to our rooms and started cooking dinner which was a lot of fun. Kevin is a good cook so he pretty much made everything. It was yummy! Then after dinner things got out of hand. The guys got way too drunk and it was a total mess. There is not much else to say but it was bad. Then on Saturday morning Aimee and I were so upset at what happened the night before that we decided to go out just the two of us. We let the boys check out and we headed to the waterfalls and the end of town. It was a little bit of a hike but it was beautiful. There were about five different waterfalls all going into one. Everything was so green too which I didn’t expect. It was very relaxing which we both needed and it was nice just being with Aimee. She is so great because we agree on everything. We ran into the guys for a little bit but didn’t meet back up with them until later. It was nice having some space. We walked then from one end of the town to the other (which doesn’t take long!) and went into the churches. After walking we sat on a floating dock outside one of the guest houses. It was closed so we figured we could go there. Who knows if we were supposed to. Haha! We met back up with the guys and we all decided we had seen everything there was to see so we caught an earlier train. We left at 4:30pm and had the same crazy train ride home that we did there. The trip actually went pretty fast and we got back to Salzburg around 6:30pm. I went back to my room and relaxed. I am getting really excited to have Katie and Lud here! This was a great weekend but it will be great to have a week with them! So excited!

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