Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fortress, Football, Friends and Family!

Wednesday morning K and L went to the fortress while I was in class. It didn’t take them very long because no one was up there. We met up at 11am and walked around the city. We did a little shopping in between my two classes. After what happened in the shoe store K and L wanted to make sure I was with so I could at least translate for them. We walked around and got some lunch before I had to go back to class around 1pm. While I was in class K and L went to see the catacombs in St. Peter’s cemetery. They said they weren’t too exciting but none of us really know what they are.  After my class got done at 3pm I went back to my dorm and packed up some things. I planned on staying at the hotel with them so I didn’t have to go back and forth all the time. Then we met again at 5:30pm for the Red Bulls soccer game. Aimee, Chris S, Kate, Brady and Megan B came with us too. The game was so much fun! It was sort of a long bus ride there but we found it. The stadium was a lot bigger than I thought and it had an open roof so we all were bundled up. We had great tickets in the front row which was a lot of fun. The security guards and cameramen loved us because we were pretty loud and crazy. Haha! At one point in the game it started to snow and I got so excited! It was the first real snow we had seen. Of course it didn’t stick around but it was still great. The Red Bulls won 2 to 0 against Graz so it was a fun game to watch. I had never really been to a soccer game before and it was so much fun! Then after the game Aimee and the three of us went to Murphy’s for a beer. Katie wanted to see where we usually go so we went there for a little while. It was fun just sitting and talking. Also, we were all chilled so it was nice to be inside. We then went back to the hotel and went to bed.

Pilgrims Dan, Nickie and Sean

Thursday morning we woke up at about 8:30am. We decided against going to the salt mines so we took our time in the morning. We went and had breakfast and then headed over to my place. K and L walked to Hellbrunn to see the Sound of Music gazebo. It was good because the weather was really nice today so they could actually see the mountains all around. I was worried that they would be in Austria a whole week and not see any mountains! I went back to my room to get some stuff done and just took it easy. Things have been really busy so it was nice to relax a bit. Then K and L came back to my room. After relaxing a bit we headed into town to go ice skating. There is an ice rink right in the center of town and it is so cool. They have music playing and lights on at night. At first it said there was a kid program so we were worried it was only for kids but when I asked we found out it was for everyone. So we went skating for about an hour. It was the greatest thing! There were little kids skating better than us but oh well. J After skating for about an hour we got some really good pretzels and headed back. I was super forgetful so I went back to my dorm and K and L went to their hotel to get ready for the Thanksgiving dinner my group was having. We met back up again at 5:15pm and walked to the restaurant. We were a little early but that was alright because my group needed to practice our skit. The dinner was for our whole group, our professors and then there were some other guests there too. It was a really great time! We put on our skit before dinner and everything went well. Luckily I didn’t forget any lines! Haha! Then we ate a really great meal. We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and vegetables. It was so great to have real food! After dinner other people performed little things. Matthew and Megan P did a dance they have been working on, the guys sang a song, and we all sang 99 Luftballons. It was hilarious! I had so much fun and seeing everyone else having fun and puttin
The whole group!
g on all the different performances just made me love my group even more! They are all so great. We took some pictures afterwards and then all headed back. I had to pick up some things from my dorm so we did that before going back to the hotel. We were all tired so we headed to bed so we will be well rested for our trip to Munich in the morning!

I hope everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving!


  1. Fantastically fabulous, funny and (in)formative!

    Forever, Mom

    (Dad said he could only think of one "F" word - and I guess it wasn't what I thought - the naughty word for fluff!)

  2. Fankfully fwe fstill flove fyou.

