Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hallstatt on Hold

Wednesday was a really productive day which is surprising! I had class at 9am and then walked around town. I went and found the hotel Katie and Laurann will be staying at so I will know where to take them. Then I bought their week long bus tickets and headed back to the dorms. I took a different route which was nice except for the fact that one of the small streets I walked on had a brothel. Apparently there are like 30 brothels here. Who knew? I had about an hour before class so I worked on some homework. Then I headed to German which was a lot of fun. I really love that class. The people in it are fun and our professor is great. The whole time we just worked on the skit we are doing for the Thanksgiving dinner. It should be pretty funny. After class I took a nap. I havent been getting much sleep lately so it felt so good. Around 9pm a group of us went to Augustiner Brau. We celebrated Dan and Sean's "birthday" this week. It was a lot of fun being in a smaller group. Four people left for London already so they werent there. It was really strange because once again we got shushed! I dont get it! It is a big beer hall and we get shushed when we said prost. There were like only 8 other people in the whole place too! It is just dumb. Anyway, we finished there and then went to Flip. They were playing some good music so it was a lot of fun. After that we went back and Jake played his guitar and we sang some songs. It was a fun night. This morning I woke up and got packed for Hallstatt. We thought everything was set then Sean got an email from the place we were going to stay at saying it would be around 30 Euros a night which people weren't happy about. So we decided to leave early tomorrow morning. It is not a big deal but if we would have known this earlier this morning we might have had some time to figure out a new place but it is just too late. We would have missed our train and the trains don't run very often. So, that is that. A little disappointing but we wont rush home on Saturday so we will have time to do what we want.

Even though we didn't make it to Hallstatt today, we still had a really nice night! In the afternoon we went to the train station to buy our tickets for Friday and then at night we went to the Christkindlmarkt. (Christmas Market) It was so much fun! There are lights everywhere and a bunch of stands were set up around the city center. There were a lot of people there because it was the first night but it made it fun. It was about the first time I really saw a bunch of people our age. We only really see them when we got to class. We got some food and tried some of the hot punch which is a specialty. I wasn't a big fan of it but it just fit with the scene! haha! Afterwards we went to a movie theater to see Harry Potter 7 but we decided not to. This is going to sound dumb but we didn't see it because it was in German. They do have theaters here that play popular movies in English but it wasn't the right theater. So then we went back to the dorm and watched I Love You, Man which is also a great movie! It was a really relaxing and nice night.

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