Sunday, August 29, 2010

Landing in Sweden

We finally made it to Gothenburg, Sweden after about 16 hours of traveling. It was a really long day which explains the fact that both Mom and Dad are sleeping by 8:00pm. When we got to the airport we got our luggage and walked up to the man holding a sign reading "Galowitz" which was really funny. I took a picture of him before we went up to him and he totally knew I took the picture. It was a little awkward but he said it happens all of the time. haha  : P We then loaded everything in this car (Of course it was a Volvo) and headed to the hotel. I think seeing how they drive here made Dad a little nervous about driving tomorrow but it should be fine. Everything seems similar on the highways but when you get of the highway it is a little crazy and the roads are very narrow. We checked in to our hotel which is very nice. I was so tired after all the traveling so of course I took a nap. Mom and Dad went for a little walk but it was rainy and cold. It is only about 60 degress here. We then went and had dinner in the hotel lobby which was really good but we found out it was a little expensive. It is  crazy getting a bill for 663 SEK but the conversion is 8:1 so its not too bad. We tried to have the waitress teach us some Swedish but it didn't go too well. We feel a little bad just expecting everyone to know English (which pretty much everyone already does). We thought it would be helpful to atleast know Hello, Goodbye and Thank you. I haven't googled that yet but I will have to. Tomorrow will be an exciting day. We are finally picking up our new Volvo and will get a tour of the Volvo factory. I'm sure there will be some good stories from that!


  1. I'm glad you took a picture of the man who picked you funny! I've always wanted to have someone waiting for me when I arrived!

  2. No kidding - Are you sure he wasn't waiting for me????

    And no quote of the day???


  3. Glad you guys made it! Now at least I can say I know where you are! You are doing a good job bloggling. I know how the pressure is...doing a blog. Make sure you take a picture of the car. Have fun and enjoy....

  4. We are glad to follow you guys on your journey, glad you are on the ground love from the original Galowitz's

  5. It's amazing how clearly I can hear your laugh when you type "ha ha"!! Glad everyone is there safe...can't wait to hear more of the adventures. I think you started something with the quote of the day! Why do I feel like your Dad will be the star of the show?? :-)

  6. Haha! Not only do I have pressure to blog but now I have pressure to find a quote of the day! Mom and Dad leave soon so I am guessing my material will decrease. Dad does say some good stuff! I am glad all of you are enjoying the blog!
